"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
-Virgina Woolf
After completing a BFA in 2001 at The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax, I went on to study pre-medical sciences in Toronto, Ontario and in 2011, completed the four year post-graduate program in Naturopathic Medicine at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). During my studies I completed two four-month clinical internships at community health centers in Toronto and in 2009 traveled to Nicaragua as part of a medical brigade with Naturopathic Doctors International, an NGO, providing health care to under-serviced populations.
I am NPLEX (Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam) certified, which is the examinations that graduates of an approved naturopathic medical college must pass to be eligible for licensure in any of the 16 states or 5 provinces that license/register naturopathic physicians. I am registered with the Board of Directors of Drugless Therapists-Ontario, am a member of The Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
After completing a BFA in 2001 at The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax, I went on to study pre-medical sciences in Toronto, Ontario and in 2011, completed the four year post-graduate program in Naturopathic Medicine at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). During my studies I completed two four-month clinical internships at community health centers in Toronto and in 2009 traveled to Nicaragua as part of a medical brigade with Naturopathic Doctors International, an NGO, providing health care to under-serviced populations.
I am NPLEX (Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam) certified, which is the examinations that graduates of an approved naturopathic medical college must pass to be eligible for licensure in any of the 16 states or 5 provinces that license/register naturopathic physicians. I am registered with the Board of Directors of Drugless Therapists-Ontario, am a member of The Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of complimentary health care that addresses the root cause of illness or disease and promotes health and healing using natural therapies. While Naturopathic care helps to alleviate specific symptoms and improve quality of life, Naturopathic Doctors are primarily concerned with thoroughly understanding a patient’s health and addressing the Root Cause of an illness by providing individualized treatment plans.
Naturopathic Doctors approach the individual from a holistic and integrative perspective and aim to understand the health of the patient through physical and functional assessments which helps to develop a deeper understanding of the patient’s health concerns – in addition, naturopathic doctors will explore the mental, emotional, environmental, occupational, and physical factors that contribute to health concerns and make recommendations to treat specific conditions and promote health and well-being.
Naturopathic doctors are regulated health professionals in the field of natural medicine. NDs obtain comprehensive and rigorous training in an educational structure similar to that of medical doctors. NDs require three years of pre-med post secondary education, plus four years of full-time study at an approved college of naturopathic medicine. Graduates receive the designation Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) and must successfully complete the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations in order to qualify for licensing.
Naturopathic Doctor's oath
First Do No Harm
Naturopathic Doctors use methods and medicines that minimize the risk of harmful side effect by supporting the natural functioning of the organs and systems and reducing unnecessary structural and functional stress. ND's also beleive that suppressing symptoms can cause harm and therefore support patients through the course of an illness while treating the underlying cause of the disease. The goal of naturopathic medicine is to optimize the body's capacity to heal in a safe, effective, and mindful way.
Identify and Treat the Causes
In addition to alleviating acute and chronic symptoms of disease, NDs seek to identify and remove underlying causes of illness. Rather than merely eliminating or suppressing symptoms, this approach moves the body toward maintaining an optimal state of health.
Doctor as Teacher
NDs work collaboratively with patients by sharing knowledge and information to create a successful treatment plan. Patients are encouraged to take responsibility for their own optimal health.
Treat the Whole Person
In addition to addressing specific complaints or symptoms, NDs look at the ‘whole picture’. The physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors contributing to the health of each individual patient are thoroughly considered.
Emphasize Prevention
NDs emphasize prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease in each patient. Appropriate interventions can then be made in partnership with patients to prevent illness.
Support the Healing Power of the Body
The practice of naturopathic medicine recognizes an ordered and intelligent self-healing process that is inherent to every individual. NDs work to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery and to facilitate this natural self-healing process.
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of complimentary health care that addresses the root cause of illness or disease and promotes health and healing using natural therapies. While Naturopathic care helps to alleviate specific symptoms and improve quality of life, Naturopathic Doctors are primarily concerned with thoroughly understanding a patient’s health and addressing the Root Cause of an illness by providing individualized treatment plans.
Naturopathic Doctors approach the individual from a holistic and integrative perspective and aim to understand the health of the patient through physical and functional assessments which helps to develop a deeper understanding of the patient’s health concerns – in addition, naturopathic doctors will explore the mental, emotional, environmental, occupational, and physical factors that contribute to health concerns and make recommendations to treat specific conditions and promote health and well-being.
Naturopathic doctors are regulated health professionals in the field of natural medicine. NDs obtain comprehensive and rigorous training in an educational structure similar to that of medical doctors. NDs require three years of pre-med post secondary education, plus four years of full-time study at an approved college of naturopathic medicine. Graduates receive the designation Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) and must successfully complete the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations in order to qualify for licensing.
Naturopathic Doctor's oath
First Do No Harm
Naturopathic Doctors use methods and medicines that minimize the risk of harmful side effect by supporting the natural functioning of the organs and systems and reducing unnecessary structural and functional stress. ND's also beleive that suppressing symptoms can cause harm and therefore support patients through the course of an illness while treating the underlying cause of the disease. The goal of naturopathic medicine is to optimize the body's capacity to heal in a safe, effective, and mindful way.
Identify and Treat the Causes
In addition to alleviating acute and chronic symptoms of disease, NDs seek to identify and remove underlying causes of illness. Rather than merely eliminating or suppressing symptoms, this approach moves the body toward maintaining an optimal state of health.
Doctor as Teacher
NDs work collaboratively with patients by sharing knowledge and information to create a successful treatment plan. Patients are encouraged to take responsibility for their own optimal health.
Treat the Whole Person
In addition to addressing specific complaints or symptoms, NDs look at the ‘whole picture’. The physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors contributing to the health of each individual patient are thoroughly considered.
Emphasize Prevention
NDs emphasize prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease in each patient. Appropriate interventions can then be made in partnership with patients to prevent illness.
Support the Healing Power of the Body
The practice of naturopathic medicine recognizes an ordered and intelligent self-healing process that is inherent to every individual. NDs work to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery and to facilitate this natural self-healing process.